All The Books I Can Read

1 girl….2 many books!

Top 10 Tuesday April 30

on April 30, 2024

Hello and welcome back everyone to another edition of Top 10 Tuesday! Hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl, it features a different bookish related theme each week. This week is a fun one! Not sure I’ve ever done a topic like this before.

Petty Reasons I’ve DNF’d A Book

I don’t DNF a lot. But sometimes, for your own sanity, you just have to. These are some of the reasons I’ve DNF’d a book in the past few years.

  1. Because I Realised I Hoped The Main Character Would Be Murdered. Okay so a while ago, I read this mafia “romance” where the main female character was kidnapped by some leader of the Irish mafia. She was so obnoxious and so annoying that I started to actually fantasise about what might happen if someone actually behaved like this in real life, with the boss of a criminal conglomerate. They’d probably end up executed and dumped somewhere and when I realised that I actually wanted this to be her fate, I was like okay, time to exit this book now.
  2. Because I Was Rooting Against Them. Recently I DNF’d a book where both main characters are serial killers (but it’s okay, they only kill bad people. Both of them). The banter made me cringe inside so much and both of them sounded like how teens think adults talk in their interactions and I was like okay, this is a sad indictment on law enforcement (FBI, especially) that neither of these idiots have been caught yet. I wish they’d get caught. And so I set that one aside.
  3. Because It Gave Me A Literal Headache. There was one book I tried to read last year I think, and every time I tried, I got a violent headache. I’m not sure if it was coincidence (I do get a lot of headaches) or if it was something with the print size or the type or whatever? Either way I didn’t get more than 50p into it and I had to just return it to my library.
  4. Because It Gave Me A Figurative Headache. Stream of consciousness, no speech marks, etc. I lasted 30 pages before throwing in the towel. And it was a Man Booker Prize winner.
  5. Because The Love Interest Feels Abusive. There have been books I’ve read where the male love interest is such a douche early on in the book that it really feels like it crosses the line for me into behaviour that is actually abusive and no amount of grovelling could ever excuse. This is more common in historical romance but I’ve come across it in contemporary as well. There’s a fine line between being a redeemable asshole and someone who feels like they are beyond that.
  6. Shaming Of Other Female Characters. This was really popular back in the day in romance/women’s fiction. Other women were always sluts or liked to wear too much make up or tight clothing and just lived to steal the main character’s man etc. I don’t bother with anything like that today.
  7. Cheating. Is this petty? I’m not sure. Sometimes people like to read about the nuances of real life relationships but I can’t with cheating. If I don’t realise a book has cheating then it hits me, I’ll often just set it aside immediately. This also included a book where the MC’s best friend tried to bully her into cheating on her (admittedly awful) fiancé. Just break up with him you coward.
  8. Surprise Cancer. This isn’t petty as such but it’s very much a knee-jerk reaction thing. There was a time when if a book hit me with surprise cancer plot, I’d have to DNF it immediately. It was deeply triggering. If I knew it was going to have cancer, I could make a decision either way on how I felt about reading it but hitting me with it unexpectedly gave me a lot of problems. I had a friend that actually took to warning me about books that we both had, if this happened and she read it before I did.
  9. Female Main Characters Who Are ‘Quirky’. Nope. Cannot. If any MC self-describes as quirky, I’m out.
  10. Because I Preferred The Male MC As A Cat. This was a book where the male love interest was a demon or something? And was cursed to be a cat. I honestly preferred when he was a cat. As soon as they broke the spell and he became a man again, I found him incredibly tedious. DNF’d not long after.
  11. ‘Good Girl’ + Love Interests Who Need To Be ‘In Control’. There’s a trend at the moment, for men calling women ‘good girl’ in love scenes and it makes my skin crawl. I also really hate it when I’m reading a book and we get to those scenes and the man is like “I need to be in control, I need you to do what I say, I need you to not move, not do this or that”. Dude just get a blow up doll. I know people love this (books with this are very popular on a certain social media app) but I will DNF that immediately now. (this one is a bonus after I was writing my monthly wrap up and it came to me). If you love this stuff, that’s awesome, I’m glad you’re able to find that sort of thing. But for me it’s a big no thank you. Also a Venn diagram of books with these two things is practically a circle.

And there you go. 10 reasons of varying pettiness of why I’ve DNF’d books in the past. Would you DNF a book for any of these reasons? Do you DNF books? Or do you push through. Let me know!

27 responses to “Top 10 Tuesday April 30

  1. I DNF books, and I’d set aside all the ones you’ve described too. I also don’t like domestic violence stories, though I did read It Ends With Us but put aside the next one. It’s such an important/topical issue in this country but I don’t want to read fiction stories about it in my down time.

    • I couldn’t read It Ends With Us because of the way it portrayed the DV. I can read it in a thriller or crime or even straight up gen fic but not in that way. That author also didn’t work for me in multiple other books also, haha. But yes, it is unfortunately so topical at the moment. It never ends.

  2. Anne Bennett says:

    I hate it when the love interest is abusive, or I suspect it. Why write about that nonsense?

  3. Emily Jane says:

    A great list! I had to tweak mine a bit as I drew a blank. I rarely DNF. In fact I’ve only DNF 1 book. I’ve drifted into putting books down in the past and not finishing them, but I don’t count those as I expect to pick them back up one day 😂 I have been close to DNF other books, but then just carry on anyway in case they get better 😶

    Have a great week! 

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog 

    My post:

    • I admire your perseverance! Haha I don’t think I DNF a lot of books, I have a handful a year. Some books I do push through but more and more I’m just like no, if I’m not enjoying this it’s time for it to go.

      • Emily Jane says:

        I just can’t do it in case it gets better. I don’t know why, I know lots of people say to DNF but Im not strong enough yet 😂. I also have to read every word and understand what I am reading before moving on so maybe it’s just one of those things 😂

  4. Joanne says:

    Number 10 made me laugh! 😸

  5. I forgot how much I hate , books with no speech marks.I mean why!

    Top Ten Tuesday- Petty reasons I’ve DNF’d a book

    • I think it’s 50% of the reason I don’t like Sally Rooney books either much haha. I really hate no speech marks, it becomes very difficult to differentiate between speech and thoughts without them.

  6. I don’t mind a “quirky” MC, as long as I understand why she’s quirky. There are times they believe that about themselves because it’s what they’ve been told by so many people their whole life.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    Reasons Why I’ve Stopped Reading a Book

    • It’s definitely different if you can just see it, rather than the character constantly mentioning how ‘quirky’ they are because they’re a female character who doesn’t wear dresses or whatever haha.

  7. Lol I loved these!! I think I struggled with this topic this week, I will usually just keep reading a book unless I am super bored. But these reasons are the best! Good job!

  8. So many unique reasons for DNFing these books. Some of these made me laugh! 😂 I think I know the book you’re talking about with #2 but I hope I’m wrong because I recently bought it, lol. Great list!

  9. I don’t read romance books, so I’m not familiar with what’s popular, but #11 would make me DNF too. That’s yucky.

  10. Veronica Palacios says:

    hahah “because I like the MC better as a cat” is giving me “I prefer the Beast before he turned back into a human” vibes and I’m here for it! Also, the last thing we want from books is to give us headaches, that’s so sad! 😦

  11. Felice says:

    I hate cheating too

  12. Susan says:

    Ha ha. I said a lot of these same things in my list, but not in such a funny way 🙂 Thanks for making me smile!

    And, oh my goodness, I HATE it when there are no marks to show dialogue. It’s confusing and irritating. I’ll take clarity over creativity ANY DAY.

    Happy TTT!


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