All The Books I Can Read

1 girl….2 many books!

Top 10 Tuesday 25th August

on August 25, 2020

Welcome back to another edition of Top 10 Tuesday! Originally created and hosted by The Broke & the Bookish, Top 10 Tuesday now lives with Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. There’s a different bookish related theme each week and this week our topic is……

Questions I Would Ask My Favourite Authors

  1. To George R.R. Martin: Are you ever going to finish the A Song of Ice & Fire series? Look, I know that this probably a question he already gets asked all.the.time. In fact at some stage didn’t he say if the next book wasn’t finished by a certain time we could lock him away or banish him or something? I don’t know. But it’s been what? 9 years since the publication of the fifth book. At one stage, he thought he would finish before Game Of Thrones got up to the point where his writing had stopped. Well, Game of Thrones has come, had 8 seasons and gone and we are still back at book 5, waiting for how things play out in Martin’s head. Characters were left in different predicaments in some of the books and it’d be nice to know how it it ends in this medium.
  2. Also to George R.R. Martin: How did you originally envisage this series playing out and has anything changed in the {many} years since you wrote the book, especially after the adaptation into a TV show? I’m curious what has changed – I know he’s already mentioned a few things, but I’m sure that over such an amount of time, things must’ve evolved in his mind and are probably very different.
  3. To Janet Evanovich: Will Stephanie ever just choose Joe or Ranger or will she just be trapped in this cycle of indecision forever? I’m over this series but for a long time it was really, my very favourite series. And I think that if it ever did end with a clear decision, I’d have to read that book. Just to see what happened.
  4. To Jennifer Echols: Can you please write another book? I loved her contemporary YA romances but I haven’t seen a book from her in many years.
  5. To Karen Swan: If you’ve visited every place you’ve set your various books, which one was your favourite and why? I’ve been reading a lot of Karen Swan books lately – she generally puts out 2 a year, a summer book set in an exotic, warm destination like a Greek Island or something and a winter book, set somewhere frosty like remote Norway. I’d love to know how much ‘research’ she undertakes for each destination and which places she has found to be the most exciting or wonderful to visit.
  6. To Rainbow Rowell: Can you please stop torturing Baz & Simon? Look, Wayward Son was pretty depressing in the way that Baz & Simon were struggling so much. I’m sure that the third book will {hopefully} fix this and it’ll all be made good in the end but I’d really like to just ask her to stop making them suffer, haha.
  7. To Jane Harper: Will we revisit Aaron Falk? Jane Harper’s first two books centred around Melbourne fraud squad investigator Aaron Falk. Her two books since then, The Lost Man and the forthcoming The Survivors have been stand alone. I’d love to know if there’ll be more books focusing on Falk – already one is being made into a movie featuring Eric Bana and there’s probably potential to make it a series, you’d think, if it goes well.
  8. To Isobelle Carmody: Will you return to the world from Obernewtyn, either the story of the Great White or after the happenings of the final book in the Obernewtyn series? Maybe more about Dragon? Recently I’ve been listening to the Obernewtyn series on audiobook and I realised that I’ve only read the final book in the series once. I’m probably due a reread as it’s a total brick and I’ve forgotten a lot of what happened but I’m sure there are some things that were left as though they could be explored in the future.
  9. To various: Where did you go/what happened? Are you okay? You know how sometimes you read an amazing book or two by an author and then they just….vanish? And it’s a while later and you’re like hmm, haven’t seen anything from X in a while and you go look them up to find they haven’t written anything and have basically disappeared off the face of the earth. And you’re left wondering if they didn’t get a new publishing contract or chose to pursue another profession or who knows.
  10. To Mhairi McFarlane, Sarra Manning, Ellie Marney, Holly Black, Dervla McTiernan, Lynette Noni, Casey McQuiston, Elizabeth Acevedo, Tessa Dare, Sarah MacLean, Susanna Kearsley, Penelope Janu, Hannah Richell, Kayte Nunn, Sarah Barrie, Lisa Ireland, Melina Marchetta, Rachael Johns, Maria V. Snyder, Jenn Bennett and many, many more: Can I just keep you in my basement so that you write books for me? Just kidding. I don’t have a basement. But there are a bunch of authors that are just the ones that you know will always give you a good read and I’d love to be able to cycle through new books from them! Wouldn’t that be a nice fantasy?

To be honest, this is one of those topics where I can probably come up with questions for authors during the course of the reading of the book or the writing of the review all the time but when I sit down to think of specific questions to ask, I draw a blank! Which is why some of these are quite general.

Just a note: recently I created a Facebook page for my blog here so feel free to head over and give it a like if you want!

29 responses to “Top 10 Tuesday 25th August

  1. #10 was hilarious! And I feel you on #9- some authors write standalones that impact me, and then vanish? My first ever TTT:

  2. I’d ask GRRM that question too. And the time he promised he’d write the book by or you could lock him up passed a month or so ago.

    And you can’t lock those authors up in your basement! I want to read their books too! Although it would be nice to get early copies of those books. There are some books I want to read SOOO badly!

  3. notesbyj says:

    Great post! I love question #10 😂😂😂😂😂😝 also #9 YES! Some authors write excellent books and then disappear 🤷‍♀️

  4. Nikki @The Night is Dark and Full of Books says:

    It’s funny, I also asked George R.R. Martin two questions, but they’re just a bit different :p One about the show and one about what it’s like constantly receiving messages to finish the book. I totally get people asking questions, like you did here, but I’ve seen him get such hateful messages over it. Which is so weird to me. Anyways, great questions! I really like number 9. I feel that one haha.

    • I’m sure George R.R. Martin is heartily sick of the question but unfortunately, it’s a product of his own making, haha. He’s misjudged when he’d be finished by and it’s definitely blown out so much by now that it’s really hard to imagine this series ever being properly finished. I hope it is though. However like you, I don’t approve of any hate. Asking the question is one thing but insulting him or harassing him or attacking him because of it is definitely not on!

  5. Sue Legg says:

    Such a delightful post, quirky almost & a different slant on our intrepid journey of reading & getting accustomed to our favourite Authors & hanging out for the next book like we need it right now! I wonder how they feel…. pressured, enjoyment from researching places, having imaginary conversations with their characters & so the list goes on. Life without books would be a tragedy, high grow or trashy they all fill a niche.

  6. proxyfish says:

    I’d ask the same GRRM question to Patrick Rothfuss too! I appreciate writing takes time, skill and the right frame of mind but all those years… 🥱

  7. Marg says:

    Lots of great questions here. I suspect GRRM might get a few questions this week.

    • Haha yes, I think he will. The TV series drew so many more people to the stories and the way it ended disappointed a lot of people so I think many are seeking a kind of redemption for that.

  8. lydiaschoch says:

    Yes, I wonder about authors who have stopped writing, too. Hope they’re all okay.

    My post .

  9. Poinsettia says:

    I wonder about #9 too. I’ve noticed this happens more often with authors on smaller/independent publishers. It is so sad when they don’t write anything else! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday

    • Yes, that’s true! A few years ago I discovered a small press and was reading 3-4 series from it that they were putting out and all except one author have just vanished off the face of the earth!

  10. I think GRRM REALLY needs to answer your questions! It’s what we ALL want to know.

    My TTT

  11. Mic says:

    What a great lists. especially when i’m currently struggling to write specific questions for authors today.
    I love the Jane Harper one,and I agree. I can’t wait to read The Survivors

  12. The Pope says:

    Virginia Woolf When are you going to take that rock out of your pocket and come back?

  13. I’d rather be in your No 10 (author basement) list than in your No 9 (disappeared author) list, Brooke… Great questions!

  14. Megan | Bookstacks 'n Golden Moms says:

    I have read more than one amazing book and suddenly, the author is gone. That’s definitely a question I would like answered 🙂

    Here’s my TTT

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