All The Books I Can Read

1 girl….2 many books!

Top 10 Tuesday 10th September

on September 10, 2019

Welcome to another edition of Top 10 Tuesday! Originally created and hosted by The Broke & the Bookish, Top 10 Tuesday now lives with Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. There’s a different bookish related topic each week and today we are talking:

10 Books On My TBR I’m Avoiding & Why

  1. The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet’s Nest by Stieg Larsson. Okay, this one has probably been on my TBR the longest! The first two books are amazing and when the author died, I just wasn’t ready to let this series go at all. I know it’s since gone on with someone else writing it but for me, that’s different. I’ve just never been ready for the last book the original creator was able to write.
  2. War & Peace by Leo Tolstoy. Haha, it’s a billion pages. Okay, like 1400 or something. But it’s also a billion pages of Russian tangents and suffering. I find it quite intimidating even though I read and really liked Anna Karenina. It’s probably been sitting on my shelf about 8 or 9 years! Along with a whole bunch of other classics that I bought with great intentions and never got around to.
  3. Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel. Okay I’ve actually tried to read this twice. Both times I never got further than about page 50. It has so many amazing reviews and so many people sing its praises, I’ve kept it because one day I’ll push through that section and I’m sure it’ll be amazing. Eventually.
  4. City Of Mirrors by Justin Cronin. I’m not avoiding this as such, but it’s just been so long since I read the first couple of books that I feel like my memory of what happened is pretty poor now. I really feel like I should read them again before reading this one…..but it’s not something I have time for right now. So this one sits on the shelf until I feel like I can tackle all three of them again together.
  5. The Pillars Of The Earth by Ken Follett. I actually only picked up a copy of this one this year – free on iBooks. But it’s about a thousand pages and a) that’s not something I kind of have time for right now especially if I then find I want to go on with the series, as there’s a couple more books that are probably also 1000 pages and b) I actually can’t really read huge books on my iPad. I can read a normalish sized paperback, 250-300p but anything longer than that and I start to get a headache. So I either have to read it in chunks or forget about the eBook version and pick up a paperback copy somewhere.
  6. Obsidio by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff. Yup, this book again! I feel as though it makes my list every week! I loved the first two in this series and I’ve owned the third since it was released. And yet I cannot pick it up yet. It’s partially the fact that I’m not ready for it to end. I have this real reluctance when it’s the final book. Some of it is the size too, although I know that the format means the size is a little misleading.
  7. The Thornbirds by Collette McCulloch. This is relatively new to my TBR pile as well, I think I bought it about 2 years ago when I had this idea that I was going to read more Australian classics that I felt had passed me by. I am still yet to pick it up (or any other Australian classics tbh) and I think again, it’s the size. It’s just intimidating when I have so many other books to read, even though I know that is basically a rubbish excuse.
  8. A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara. Like Obsidio this book seems to make it onto my list every other week. I think it’s the subject matter that makes me baulk with this one now, because I know that it’s supposed to be quite traumatic. And I have to wait for a time when I know I can mentally cope with that sort of thing. I avoid a lot of books about grief and/or cancer for the same reasons.
  9. Fallen Torment by Lauren Kate. I bought these so many years ago, from some bargain place for 5 bucks each. I have culled books a couple of times since then and last time I actually had these on the list to get rid of and then removed them at the last moment. I’m not sure why, because mostly everything I’ve heard suggests these are not going to be my sort of thing. But there’s a curiosity there as well, I think. I like the covers and one is a really beautiful hardback, which is not common here. So they sit on my shelf and wait to see if I decide to finally read them or finally cull them.
  10. Armada by Ernest Cline. I actually really loved Ready Player One even though I didn’t really expect to. I was surprised just how entertaining I found it. I ended up with this book but I haven’t read it yet…..I’m not sure I will like it as much as I liked RPO and so I haven’t been able to pick it up. I know every book is different and I can’t expect to like every book an author puts out the same. But I just don’t feel like tackling this one just yet.

What a fun topic this was. I think that it’s fun to examine the TBR sometimes and why we choose what we choose – and why we don’t choose things. For me, it does seem like a lot of it is about length and a lot of it is about not wanting to let things go! I’m looking forward to seeing what everyone is has been avoiding!

40 responses to “Top 10 Tuesday 10th September

  1. Margareta says:

    Pillars of the Earth and Wolf Hall would have to be at the top of my list of ‘books I’m avoiding’ too. (Grimace) I’ve got both sitting in my TBR bookcase and I. Just. Can’t. Do. It. 🙂 I’m kinda relieved to hear I’m not the only one … because … those reviews … so good :/

    • I know! The second time I picked up Wolf Hall, I was sure that would be the time I would be come hooked and not able to put it down. I’d read SO many good things and it’s so universally admired. But nope.

      Pillars of the Earth is definitely one for a holiday or something, when you just take one huge book and make your way through it the whole time.

  2. Fallen and Torment I enjoyed. I have The Thornbirds on my TBR too! For ages now!! 😁

  3. War and Peace is worth the effort!! Don’t avoid it 😜

  4. Anne Bennett says:

    I just finished the 4th book in the Millennium series, which is obviously not penned by Larsson since he died. But i liked it and flet the new author did an okay with it.

  5. I really enjoyed Obsidio but I didn’t think it was as solid at the first two. Still gave it five stars though. I didn’t want it to end either though lol

  6. I read War and Peace with my Classics club a year or two ago and really loved it but it is a journey. The audiobook is really good. I read along with the book so I could take notes on everyone’s names. Plus sometimes you have to read the battle scene again. I had to do that a few times.

    My TTT

  7. Astilbe says:

    I’ve never read War & Peace for the exact same reason.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  8. lydiaschoch says:

    Yes, the Pillars of the Earth series is very long. I loved the stories in them, though!

    My TTT.

  9. Amber says:

    I’m really interested in Pillars of the Earth too but it’s sooo long!

  10. Jocelyn says:

    Armada was OK, I’d recommend listening to it as an audiobook. Wil Wheaton is amazing.

    I own Wolf Hall but because of how revered it is I’m a little worried I may not like it so I haven’t read it yet.

    • There’s always that feeling that you might be the one person out there that doesn’t like a universally loved book or that you won’t get it! I feel the same way sometimes.

      The audiobook of Armada sounds good. Might try that then.

  11. alittlehazebookblog says:

    I’m definitely avoiding Tolstoy too. I know I should read it but OMG SO LONG!!! 😂😂😂 Great TTT!!

  12. This week’s topic was fun. I read The Passage earlier this year and need to make time for the last two but don’t know when. At the rate I’m going, the second one may be a January read next year like The Passage was this year.

  13. Loved War & Peace, The Pillars of the Earth, and Wolf Hall! lol. But yeah, I think for these massive chunksters you really have to be in the mood to read them (hence why I’m avoiding Follett’s Century trilogy on my list this week lol)

    My TTT

    • Yeah I agree, I think for the most part, they’re definitely mood reads. They’ll probably require a pretty high level of concentration, keeping everyone straight and in the case of something like W&P, the various tangents and political type discussions.

  14. The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest was so good! I hope you read it some day!
    Armada is pretty similar to RP1. Or at least I found it to be. I bet you would enjoy it.

  15. Tien says:

    I still haven’t read A Little Life too! 🤣😋 still up for buddy read when you want to 😬 Buddy reads are how I manage big reads like War & Peace & Pillars of the Earth.

  16. I totally get the hesitance to read final books in series (but you should definitely read Obsisio!). 🙂

  17. You know what’s funny? I was just having a conversation about THE GIRL WHO KICKED THE HORNETS NEST (I don’t know what I did that in all caps but) with a friend and she actually said something very similar to your statement: “I’ve just never been ready for the last book the original creator was able to write.” I 100% see where you guys are coming from with it. It’s hard, because it’s like saying goodbye, and there’s something very definitive about it. You know?

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