All The Books I Can Read

1 girl….2 many books!

Top 10 Tuesday April 23

on April 23, 2024

Hello and welcome back to another edition of Top 10 Tuesday! Hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl, it features a different, bookish related topic each week. I took a break last week as I wasn’t really feeling the topic but this one…well. Let’s just say I have a lot of candidates!

10 Unread Books On My Shelf I Want To Read Soon

Okay I have a lot of unread books – probably around 300 physical books. Some I’ve had a really long time. Actually, most I’ve had quite a long time. Some others are newer but I have to admit, most of the ones that have been hanging around for years are books I was sent for review and never had the time for. When I buy a book myself, it tends to be one I read pretty quickly although I do definitely have some books I’ve bought that have been lingering on the TBR shelves for a while. Basically every book on my TBR shelf is a book I want to read (soonish) so I decided I’m just going to pick some at random, maybe the ones that stand out to me today, as I stand and look at the shelves.

Come And Get It by Kiley Reid

I actually didn’t end up reading Such A Fun Age but a family member gave me a copy of this one and I’m curious.

A Fate Inked In Blood by Danielle L. Jensen

This is actually borrowed, so I don’t own it but it is sitting on my TBR shelf so I’m counting it! I’m seeing this everywhere at the moment! Everyone seems to be reading it so I’m very excited to find out what all the fuss is about.

Throne Of The Fallen by Kerri Maniscalco

I enjoyed the Kingdom Of The Wicked series. And I was definitely keen for more of this world, especially one of the Princes in particular. It’s not the Prince of this book (I suspect the book I want is probably going to be last?) but I am definitely keen for this one.

Bila Yarrudhanggalangdhuray by Anita Heiss

I’ve had this on the TBR for a couple of years now and I’ve been meaning to get to it. Anita Heiss is an Indigenous Australian author (the title is River of Dreams in the local Indigenous dialect from where it is set) and I believe this was the first novel to be released in Australia with a title in that Wiradyuri language. I’m going to a retreat where Anita Heiss will be one of the guest authors so I definitely want to read this before that happens in June.

With Love From Wish & Co by Minnie Darke

I’ve had this a couple of years! Maybe since 2022? I’m not sure why I haven’t read it because I loved The Lost Love Song so much. It was one of my favourite books the year I read it and I was so excited for this. I remember buying it with a bunch of other books and pretty much all of them are still on my unread shelf! I really do need to get to this one.

Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano

This one is a pretty recent addition to the TBR shelf, I think I bought it in the Black Friday sales last year. I’ve heard some amazing things about this book but I’ve also seen a few people say that it wasn’t their thing and that it was overrated. So I’m interested to see how I feel about it…

Possession by A.S. Byatt

I have somehow never read this. I’ve seen it referenced in a couple of books and when I was at a charity second hand book sale last August, I spotted a copy and grabbed it for my stash. Then I spotted a copy in a better condition so swapped out the one I already had for that one. And it’s sat on my shelf ever since, even though I do really want to read it. One day!

The Empire Of Gold by S.A. Chakraborty

Hi, my name is Bree and my toxic trait is that I am really bad at finishing series’. Like, I just…do not do it. Is it a reluctance to have it all be over? Am I scared of what might happen and who might not survive? No one knows, but that is my unfortunate bookish bad habit. This is just one of quite a few final books in a trilogy or series sitting on my shelf that I have owned for ages (this one for years) and haven’t picked up yet. Often I leave it so long that it becomes hard to even remember what happened in the previous books. But I want to finish this! I really enjoyed the first 2 books.

The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead

I really want to read this! I can’t remember how long I’ve owned it, definitely quite a few years. I actually can’t even remember buying it. I think I will enjoy Colton Whitehead’s books and I keep hearing a lot about books he’s released apart from this one but I’ve told myself I’m not allowed to buy anymore until I’ve read this….. So. I have to read this!

Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson

I haven’t ever read Brandon Sanderson before and I feel like I need to give one a go. He has a huge backlist, so if I enjoy this, there’s a lot out there waiting for me. I bought this late last year and I put it on my 24 in 2024 to motivate me and I really do need to find the right time to pick it up. Maybe after I finish this semester at uni.

I am someone that is always getting distracted by the new shiny books and my library is so good that I’m always picking up new releases there too. But I do have a desire to get the number of unread books down and I’m trying to include those books more in my reading, rotating through new/review books, library books and books from my shelf. So these are 10 of the ones I hope to get to soon….here’s to this list holding me accountable as I keep track of my Top 10 Tuesday lists in my planner so that I can check back easily and see how I’m going.

31 responses to “Top 10 Tuesday April 23

  1. I haven’t read anything by Brandon Sanderson either, but I’d really like to change that this year. Hope you enjoy that one and all the rest of these when you get around to them!

  2. Anne Bennett says:

    I thought The Underground Railroad was so good. But it definitely is a book that is best discussed with others.

    Unread books on my actual shelves

  3. I hope you enjoy reading all of these when you can.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    Ten More Random Books on My Goodreads TBR

  4. Marg says:

    The Heiss and Darke books are both good!!

  5. lydiaschoch says:

    I hope you enjoy all of these.

    Here is my <a href=”“>Top Ten Tuesday.</a>

  6. I am bad about finishing a series too. My husband can’t understand how I can just stop like that once involved. But, I do. And I do think sometimes it is because I like where a series is in the story, and it is fine for me to stop there – I don’t want to read on and have it ruined or something. Lol.

  7. Laurie says:

    I’ve read several of your list. I hope A Fate Inked in Blood works better for you than it did for me.

    My TT:

    • Oooh you didn’t love that one? It looks the sort of book you might get some mixed reviews. Will have to see how I go.

      • Laurie says:

        No, I have zero knowledge about Norse mythology and I couldn’t make sense of anything happening there. And maybe it’s also because of the audiobook narrator, I’m not 100% sure. I find the ebook only two expensive to actually find out.

  8. Emily Jane says:

    A good looking list. I’m interested in A Fate Inked In Blood. I haven’t got a copy, but it is on my want to read list!

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog

    My post:

    • I’m not sure if I’ll love it so I was able to borrow a copy to see. If it turns out to be a fave, I’ll have to buy one for my shelf. I’ve heard really good things but also some…not so great things haha.

      • Emily Jane says:

        I have to admit that I am on the edge about it. The main reason that I would get it is because it was number 1 on my youngest son’s first mother’s day 😂

  9. I struggle with finishing series too and I don’t even remember how many I have to finish now 😂 Chakraborty’s series is one of them though! I also have Warbreaker on my TBR and I started reading it a while ago before I got into a slump (not cos of the book) but it basically went back on the unread pile, lol. I hope you enjoy these whenever you get to them!

  10. Sarah @ Exploring All Genres says:

    I hope you are able to find time to get to these soon. I am only familiar with a couple of the books on your list but they look interest enough. I have tried to read Brandon Sanderson but I have yet to finish any of this books, they sadly always end up in my DNF pile. I hope you enjoy these when you do get to them.

  11. I love that cover of Possession. I hope you love all these!

  12. CJRTB Books says:

    Fab list! Throne of the Fallen was spicy, I really enjoyed it!!!!

  13. Leslie says:

    A Fate Inked in Blood was one that I really enjoyed! I still need to read Warbreaker!

  14. A Fate Inked In Blood was a huge letdown for me personally. 😦 I loved DLJ’s other books, so maybe I just expected too much from it. I also have S.A. Chakraborty’s trilogy on my GR TBR. I think I have an ebook but I’m going to have to check bc it’s probably been there for ages 😂😭 Seems like you loved the first two books though, and I get not wanting it to be over! D:

    aimee @ aimee can read

  15. Susan says:

    I haven’t even heard of the majority of these, but I hope you enjoy them all when you get to them!

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!


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