All The Books I Can Read

1 girl….2 many books!

Top 10 Tuesday 28th July

on July 28, 2020

Welcome back to another edition of Top 10 Tuesday! Originally created by The Broke & The Bookish, Top 10 Tuesday is now hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. It features a different bookish/literary theme each week and this week it’s………a freebie! I wasn’t sure what to do for this one but finally I decided to do something that I hope will in some way, hold me to account. I have a bunch of series’ that I’ve never finished….sometimes it’s because I forget about them, sometimes it’s because I have the books and everything, but I have trouble letting go. So if I lay them all out here, I’ll be shamed into finishing them, right? Isn’t that the way it works?!

Top 10 Series’/Trilogies/Duologies I Have Not Yet Finished.

1. The Illuminae Files by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff.

I bought Obsidio when it first came out, having read Illumine Gemina just beforehand, for a challenge I was taking part in. I absolutely loved both of those books and I was so keen for Obsidio and yet I bought it and it has sat on my shelf, unread, ever since. I must’ve added it to a bunch of my TBR piles and yet still never gotten to it. Even though I’ve read both the others, I think it is partially the size that’s daunting – I always have a lot of books to read each month and sometimes it’s easier to choose the ones that will take less time.

2. Six Of Crows by Leigh Bardugo.

There’s literally 2 books. You’d think I could finish this, right? Well I’ve read Six Of Crows and I loved it! I have Crooked Kingdom already, I think I actually bought them together. But I’ve not got around to picking this up and now it’s been so long that I’m going to have to read the first one again because I forget literally everything that happened in it and who everyone is.

3. The Wrath & The Dawn by Renée Ahdieh.

Like the Leigh Bardugo one above, this is also just a duology. I also bought them together. I love the covers, they are so amazing! And I read the first book and really enjoyed it but…..I did not pick this up afterwards and I really have no idea why. And I’m also going to have to read the first book again, because although I remember the vague story, I don’t recall any of the actual details.

4. Elemental by Brigid Kemmerer.

I read the first two in this series and thought they were great. However somewhere along the way I got distracted or forgot about this series. This is book 3 and there’s also 4 and 5. And it’s been many years since I read the first two so again, I’d probably have to read the ones I’ve already read again, in order to re-familiarise myself with the series. I do really like Brigid Kemmerer though so one day I would definitely like to finish this series.

5. Department Q by Jussi Adler-Olsen

This is a Danish crime series that I discovered when the Australian publisher sent me a review copy the second book. I hunted down the first via my local library. I did end up also receiving a copy of the 3rd, but then a bunch of stuff happened and all of a sudden I realised that the series was up to #6 (I think it’s now 8) and I’d missed a bunch of them. I definitely need to get back into these, there was a lot of interesting stuff happening. It deals with a kind of cold case squad and I’m really keen to find out more about Assad, a Syrian refugee who worked with the main character, who is really the only member of “Department Q” in the earlier novels. But I suspect Assad plays more of a role now. I really need to hunt the rest of these down.

6. Frieda Klein by Nicci French.

I’ve read the first 5 books in this series, all named after days of the week and focusing around Frieda Klein, a psychotherapist. So I have this one, Sunday Silence and then also an 8th book, called The Day Of The Dead. Like the above series, I was sent a lot of these for review – but when they stopped, it took me a while to notice that I’d missed a few instalments. I’ll have to finish this series too, one day!

7. Shades Of Magic by V.E. Schwab.

I’ve read the first one in this trilogy and I own the second one, pictured here. I don’t have the third book yet so perhaps I will get that first and then attempt to finish this one!

8. The Dark Artifices by Cassandra Clare.

Although this is technically a “new series” I sort of include everything under the Shadowhunters umbrella and this is where I’m up to. I own this and the second although I don’t have a copy of the third yet. I’ve enjoyed her previous books to varying degrees – ones that aren’t about Jace and Clary I actually enjoy a lot, although I do like Alec and Magnus from the J&C books. I really liked The Mortal Instruments.

9. Healer by Maria V. Snyder.

Earlier this year (in lockdown v1.0 actually) I went on a massive Maria V. Snyder binge. I read all 9 in the Chronicles of Ixia, I read the first in this Healer series, the first in the Eyes of Tamburah series and also the first in the Sentinels of the Galaxy series. This trilogy is complete and I have the second novel (although not the third) so I really need to get on finishing it. I will finish Sentinels when the third book comes out later this year as well.

10. London Celebrities by Lucy Parker.

This one pictured here is book #4 in a series that currently has 5 books published in it. I accidentally skipped it after reading the first 3 and then finding 5 on NetGalley. I need to go back and finish this one because I did get a little bit of an idea about it from the 5th book and it definitely seems like it’s my sort of thing and for the most part, I have loved the other books in this series. Especially the first one. Richard and Lainie are the best.

And there we go! Ten series’ that I am behind on – either they’re finished and I just need to sort myself out and complete them or I’ve allowed myself to fall behind somehow but I still want to catch up. There really is too many books and too little time!


36 responses to “Top 10 Tuesday 28th July

  1. Obsidio andCrooked Kingdom are outstanding. Happy reading!

  2. ich lese says:

    Read Crooked Kingdom asap! The second book in the Shades of Magic series was my favorite!!! Lila Bard is everything in this one! Great list. Here is my TTT:

  3. JoAnne says:

    OMG. I love The Wrath and the Dawn Series… I beg you to please make time for it. LOL.

    Great list!

    Here’s my TTT:

  4. Mareli Thalwitzer says:

    Hi there! Well, you are still better than me! I haven’t even started with The Illuminae files yet (although I want to), or with Department Q that I actually have on my kindle. Iv’e read the first one of Six of crows – loved it. Have the next one audible, just need to get time for it.

    Hope you will have a good day! Here’s my 10 Reasons why reading and blogging is good for you

    • The first 2 Illuminae Files books are fabulous – I put off reading them for ages, just didn’t think they would be my sort of thing. I was surprised by how incredible they were. It’s been a long time since my last Dept Q book, I’m wondering if I’d have to go back and re-read those ones before I started on the newer ones.

  5. It took me forever to get to The Rose & the Dagger after reading The Wrath & the Dawn. I think I liked the first book better, although it might have been the 2 year separation between reading the two.

  6. dianthaa says:

    I’ve almost given up on the concept of finishing series, I stopped counting started series somewhere are 40. There are too many books, and people keep writing them, the nerve

  7. stefani says:

    Ah, my heart! Seems many of us don’t finish series, I can think of at least 5 at the top of my head that I’ve started and sadly lost interest in :/

    Here’s my TTT if you want to take a look Have a great day ahead!

    • I do have ones that I’ve completely lost interest in as well…..these ones are just ones I’m reluctant to let go of in some way (like when they’re over, it’s so final) or have somehow fallen behind unintentionally.

  8. proxyfish says:

    I really need to finish the Shades of Magic series too! I absolutely adored the first two books and the third has been waiting on my shelf ever since!

  9. How do you find Nikki French? I really struggled with her writing style and characters in The Lying Room, which I know is not in the series you mention but it has really put me off her! V. E. Schwab is constantly on my TBR list! This is my TTT!

    • Actually I really loved The Lying Room! But I did start to find Frieda really irritating in the Frieda Klein series but I’ve read 5 now and I just really need to find out the answers, lol. All her characters do seem rather detached and cold, quite offhand. They’re hard to connect to.

  10. A Gathering of Shadows is so good, hope you enjoy it!
    My TTT:

  11. lydiaschoch says:

    I hope you find time to finish all of these series soon!

    My TTT .

  12. vee_bookish says:

    When I first read the Study series there was only 3 books! I’m very slowly re-reading, I’ve re-read Poison and Magic Study so far this year.

  13. Marg says:

    I see VE Schwab on so many different TTT topics but I’ve never read any of their books!

  14. stephpaigesofbooks says:

    I need to finish Six of Crows as well. I’m almost done with The Grisha Trilogy, and I have the next one ready. Great post Bree. Here is my post

  15. Poinsettia says:

    I hope you’re able to read Crooked Kingdom soon! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  16. You HAVE to finish those first two series. They’re SO good!

  17. I’m so bad at finishing series! I also need to finish Illuminae. I loved the first two books, so I don’t know why reading the last one is hard.

  18. Great topic! The only one on here that I actually have finished was Renée Ahdieh’s THE ROSE AND THE DAGGER! Happy reading! 🙂
    My Top Ten Tuesday!

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