All The Books I Can Read

1 girl….2 many books!

Top 10 Tuesday 10th December

on December 10, 2013

TTTIt’s time for another Top 10 Tuesday! This fun meme is created and hosted by the girls at The Broke & the Bookish where they are particularly fond of lists and features a different literary theme each week. Today we are talking:

Top 10 Books On My Winter Summer TBR

As always, I reverse this as I’m in the Southern Hemisphere and although Melbourne’s pathetic weather doesn’t seem to have gotten the memo that it is summer (it’s 14 degrees Celcius atm, that’s about 57 Fahrenheit), that’s technically the season! I’ve also made lots of inroads into my ARCs lately and I’m hoping to take advantage of the Christmas/New Year break and a quieter time in terms of releases to tackle some of the books that I’ve purchased recently that have been sitting, neglected, on my shelves.

  1. Divergent, Insurgent & Allegiant, by Veronica Roth. I read Divergent many a moon ago now and although I bought Insurgent not long after it came out, I resisted reading it in order to wait for the final installment because I hate waiting. I have them all now and because it’s been so long since I read the first one, I’ve decided a re-read is in order before I tackle the rest of them. That way I’m also all set for the movie when it’s released!
  2. The Luminaries, by Eleanor Catton. Man Booker Prize winner, approximately 7859 pages. Okay, it’s only really eight hundred and something but it’s ginormous and I’m going to need some time for this one. But I’ve heard great things and there’s got to be a Man Booker winner that I’ll like sometime.
  3. Eleanor & Park, by Rainbow Rowell. I love Rainbow Rowell. I adored Attachments and thought Fangirl was awesome. Why haven’t I read this? I’ve owned it for forever. It’s time.
  4. The Diviners, by Libba Bray. I won this in a competition quite a few months ago now and I’ve been meaning to read it but it’s always kind of been shuffled to the bottom of the pile by other things. However I was rearranging my bookshelves recently and came across it again and I’m determined to read it soon. I’ve never read Libba Bray and so many YA fans have urged me to so it’s something I need to rectify.
  5. The Tournament, by Matthew Reilly. I love Matthew Reilly’s Scarecrow Schofield books – they’re always impossibly unrealistic but with lots of good settings and so much action it’s amazing. This is a real departure from the familiar for him, about a historical chess tournament in 1546 set in Constantinople.
  6. Second Chance Summer, by Morgan Matson. Okay I have included this one in lists before. I really want to read it but I’ve been warned about how it’s going to rip my heart out and I’m so not ready for that. My father was also diagnosed with cancer not long after I got this book so I had to put it away. Far, far away. He got the all clear a little while ago and I sort of feel like I can look at this book now. Maybe. We’ll see.
  7. Eyrie, by Tim Winton. Tim Winton is some sort of Australian national treasure but I have to admit that I sort of don’t get it. I’ve read two of his books and they were so so but it was also a long time ago and my reading tastes have changed a lot since then so I’m ready to give him another go. This is his most recent novel, it was only released a couple months ago and I bought it for my husband for his birthday. So I’m going to steal borrow it at some stage.
  8. The Lowland, by Jhumpa Lahiri. I requested this back in August from my library and it was “on order”. Well now it’s December and it’s still “on order”. I’m hoping that sometime over the summer it might arrive and I’ll actually be able to finally read it.
  9. S, by Doug Dorst and J.J. Abrams. I’ve been hearing some awesome stuff about this and I can’t wait to buy it. The book looks beautiful and it seems really interesting. Definitely will be getting this for myself as a little Christmas present I think. Looking forward to it!
  10. I Am Pilgrim, by Terry Hayes. I’ve had this for a couple of months now, probably almost six but I have to admit, the size has put me off sometimes (over 700p) even though I’ve heard really good things about it. I’m trying to make summer the time to tackle some of those longer books that I’ve kind of avoided because I have so much to read!

I just went and had a look at the previous TBR list I made, for spring (the American fall) and I realised that I only read 3 of the 10 books and that I’ve actually included two here that I had on my spring list! Obviously spring wasn’t a very successful time in attempting to knock over TBR books so I might have to add a few more of those to this list, like Blood & Beauty by Sarah Dunnant and A Question of Travel by Michelle de Kretser. Let’s hope when I do my next seasonal TBR book and look back on this one, I’ve had more success in crossing titles off the list.

8 responses to “Top 10 Tuesday 10th December

  1. lmao the size was the primary reason why I got The Luminaries for my Kobo instead of a physical copy. Looking forward to reading it (eventually; definitely not any time soon though).

    Glad to hear Fangirl was great! It’s on my list this week; have yet to get around to Eleanor and Park too xD Happy reading! 🙂

    My TTT

  2. Elizabeth says:

    I contemplated getting The Luminaries for my TBTB Secret Santa person but then I got an actual look at it (and the price) and I was like…nope. Not gonna happen haha. The Divergent trilogy has definitely become a priority for me, especially now that there’s going to be a movie!

  3. Okay, this is spooky – I could easily scrap my choices for this week’s Top Ten Tuesday and replace them with yours as 75% of your to-be-read list are books I’ve also been putting off for ages now!

    Like you, I’ve been avoiding Second Chance Summer like the plague because I’m worried about the emotional toll it will take on me. I adore Morgan Matson’s work but the more people tell me how much I’ll cry, the more I tend to push it toward the bottom of my to-be-read pile. Yes, I’m a bit of a wimp. The Diviners page count has always been a deterrent simply because of time management, and I have absolutely no excuse for not having read Eleanor & Park yet, particularly given how much I adored both Attachments and Fangirl.

    Given how poorly I normally succeed in sticking with these seasonal to-be-read lists, perhaps I’ll have more luck sticking with yours instead! We seem to enjoy and need to read a lot of the same books anyway! 😛

  4. Lucy says:

    I’ve put off reading Second Chance Summer too, though I’ve owned it for ages. I’ll have to join you in catching up with that one. And if you liked Attachments and Fangirl, I think you’ll love E&P. Can’t wait to hear what you think!
    Happy summer reading 🙂

  5. ezpat1981 says:

    Im with you when it comes to not always being a fan of the fiction I “should” like such as Man Booker Prize winners and authors like Tim Winton, who Ive also read before and put down half way through. I read The Lowland and really liked it, plus I’ve also read Eleanor and Park, which is a great YA novel. I also have The Diviners sitting on my bookshelf after a competition – thanks for reminding me to bring it further to the top of the pile!

  6. haha the same thing happened to me with the Hunger Games. Everyone was like “WHAAAT?! How could you not finish the series?!” I really wanted to have them all in the same format, so I waited and as time went on I got busy and kind of forgot. lolollol
    My sister LOVED the Divergent series. I haven’t read them yet. Hope you enjoy the last one 🙂
    Great picks!
    Caroline @ Bon Bons and Reveries

  7. readaholic31 says:

    I’ve not read Allegiant yet but so far Insurgent is my favourite from that trilogy! Enjoy!

  8. A lot of these books are on my list, too! I think I am ready for Insurgent and Allegiant. I am also very intrigued by The Luminaries. Something about winter (or in your case, summer!) just makes big books seem much more alluring 🙂

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