All The Books I Can Read

1 girl….2 many books!

May Reading Wrap Up

on June 3, 2024

Total Books Read: 13
Fiction: 10
Non-Fiction: 3
Library Books: 5
Books On My TBR List: 7
Books in a Series: 5
Authors I’d Never Read Before: 10
Male/Female Authors:
Kindle Books: 3
Audiobooks: 1
Books I Owned or Bought: 3
Favourite Book(s): Studio Girls by Lisa Ireland
Least Favourite Books: Honestly…..probably The Familiar by Leigh Bardugo
Books That Qualify For Challenges: 4

May was definitely a very quiet month for me. My semester ended on the final day of May and I had a lot of work to get done in that month but mostly, what was time consuming, was the research. I just had to look for and read so many sources to make sure I had the background information and arguments and it was so dense and involved. I did two history courses this semester and I’ve not really done a lot of history before. In high school, what we were taught in years 7&8, was Australian history but post-1788. So it was very British-centric, we also covered both World Wars and honestly, precious little else. I didn’t really enjoy it and that means that I didn’t really want to pick it as an elective either, in later years. I much preferred the geography strands and I did geography all throughout school. I did once think of doing Ancient History but it clashed with another subject I wanted to do so I never bothered. The classes I took this semester, one was Ancient Civilisations and I really enjoyed that class. It was a lot of information, especially as I don’t have the background in history, so much of it was all brand new to me. The other class was an Australian history class but very focused on northern Australia and the attempts to colonise it. Most of my classes have a lot of reading but this one definitely felt like it had the most I’ve had to do for a class before.

But now I’m done! For the next 6-7 weeks, so I’m doing to be doing all the reading.

2024 Challenge Check in!

2024 Non Fiction Reading Challenge: 4/6

2024 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge: 11/15

24 in 2024: 6/24

I read 4 books that counted towards my challenges for 2024 – 2 for both the historical fiction challenge and 2 for the nonfiction challenge. I really need to think about the 24 in 2024 challenge over the next month or two and try and do a bit of catch up there. I am a little behind (probably 4 books) but it’s not too bad.

Onto my TBR!

These are the books I want to get to in June, that are higher priority. The top 2 are review copies from a publisher and the bottom 3 are books I am reading for a reading retreat I will be going on in June. You might remember I went on one last year in May and it’s happening again.

Yesterday I returned every book I have checked out to my library except one. Most I’d had checked out for almost the maximum amount of time allowed and they were going to need to be returned soon anyway. I wanted to start with a bit of a clean slate. Some of them I will probably request again soon but for now I didn’t want a huge stack of library books hanging around.

Of course there’s also my TBR Jar. Last month I pulled 3 prompts and I only managed to finish two of them. The third prompt, read a popular YA book, I didn’t have any on my shelves to pick up and I didn’t really want to go and search for something, I had a bunch of other stuff to do and read for essays, so I just decided to shelve that one and maybe come back to it later.

The prompts for this month are…..

Read a nonfiction book about a medical topic
Open instagram and add the first unread book you see to your TBR
Choose a book from the top shelf of the TBR bookcase

Ok I opened instagram and something is against me because I’ve been scrolling and I haven’t come across a single bookish post….and my feed is like, usually 98% books…..

Ok finally I came across a bookish post featuring…..When The Moon Hatched by Sarah A. Parker so I’ll be adding that to my June TBR. I actually don’t have a copy but I know someone I can borrow it from! For choose a book from the top shelf of the TBR bookcase, I picked A Woman’s Work by Victoria Purman. I don’t have a nonfiction book that focuses on a medical thing, I’ll have to try and borrow something that fits that from the library at some stage.

The next time I write one of these, the year will be half over.

And with that terrifying thought, I think I’m going to finish this post. I hope you all had a wonderful reading May and have some exciting books ready to go for June!

3 responses to “May Reading Wrap Up

  1. Malvina Y says:

    I would love to know what form your reading retreat takes. It certainly appeals to me!

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